
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Today is an important day!

It is my Grandi's birthday!!! I love you, Grandi!

I will more than likely call my Grandi later today, but in case I for some reason am not able to, I figured I'd better post this. :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Job

I went to a group interview on Saturday. Just got an email asking for a one on one interview. YES!!!!! I am going to get this job! I just see myself in that lime green polo with my nice black slacks. Life is good. :)

Also, Daddy said that my short hair combined with my really long earrings made me look like Grandi. :) Which is good....because I live her. :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I'll be graduating soon...less than a week...and I'm excited. :)

This year I missed out on formal, but I went to prom. I didn't act in the musical, but I did the lights. I didn't have a boyfriend (ok, I did for like 3 weeks....but besides that), but I went on lots of dates. And I won't be going to grad night, but I will be going to Utah to spend time with my sister and Emily.

I didn't get to do EVERYTHING, but I got to do a lot. :) This year was just...amazing...and I'm going to miss a lot of my friends because I know I won't keep in touch with all of them. BUT I do have plans to spend time with most of them this summer (starting sometime around the end of June when I get back from Utah).

I've changed a lot since Freshman year...I still make a lot of the same mistakes, but now I know why I make them, when I'm most likely to make them, and how to avoid it. I've lost some friends and made some new ones. I've learned more about myself and learned to love myself. And I've learned so much in school from my teachers. Not just about whatever subject they were teaching, but also about how to live life the best I can (now how corny and cliched was that?).

I'm going to miss my teachers a lot. Especially Mrs. Ernst and Mr. Long. They were both more than teachers to me. I could talk to them and trust them. They taught me more than any other school teacher I've ever had.

Ok, I'm done now.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

College in the Fall

I am registered for classes. This is what I'm taking:

Interpersonal Communication with Thygerson (who was not on Rate my Professor)

Educational Planning with Gutierrez (who was also not on Rate my Professor)

Elementary Nutrition with Wallace (who is apparently a very good teacher and hot)

and my fun class: Introduction to Shakespeare with Messick (who is apparently easy and a lot of fun)

I'm pretty excited. :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

I want...

...Brain Damage and Bacon Grease: A Recovery From Relationship Trauma. Someone want to buy it for me??? ...or I'll just save up my money for's only 5.99 plus shipping and handling. I think. Anyway, it's not a very expensive book.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring Break

Monday- Light work at school. We did the focus part of it and finished programming the new light board. Then I invited Jessica over and we hung out for a while. Not much else that day.

Tuesday - Slept in for a while. Got out of bed and did a while lot of nothing until about 3. Then I walked to the mall where I met up with Tobin. Then we hung out there for a few hours. It was a LOT of fun. So I'm having a great time and then we walk over to Walmart. I look at the check out lines and I see Reggie. Now for those of you who don't know, Reggie is one of Cameron's besties. I like him, so I was all ready to smile and wave...until I noticed who was standing next to him: Cameron. Some of you may remember that Cam and I were dating and then broke up in January. I had very strong feelings for him and we were actually rather serious. Since the break up (which he didn't seem all that upset about), he has not contacted me in any way shape or form. Which is ok. I can understand that. Except...he didn't even text me on my birthday. My 18th birthday. So my feelings for him are kinda conflicted. I still have some feelings for him, but I'm really angry at him too. When I saw him, I started minorly freaking. I was shaking and on the verge of tears for a few minutes. BUT then I got over it and me and Tobin had a great rest of the night. :) Best day of Spring Break for sure.

Wednesday - Us three kids and Mama went to work on the garden. Then I went to the mall with Kim and Jacob.'s not very fun being the third I made an excuse and left early. Then I went to mutual. That was a lot of fun. :D

Thursday - More lighting work. I got the cues done. Now all I need to do is the gels...yuck. :/ Then Jessica came over and I was a really bad host, like always...I should work on that...but we ended up going over to Sarah's and playing with the babies. THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!!

Friday - Sarah woke me up obscenely early (like 8 or something) to ask if I wanted to go shopping. Of course I said YES! So we went to a few stores. Then I went to Maria's. We hung out for a while, then she invited her boyfriend and her friend Martin over, so we all hung out and watched some movies. I got home kinda late...but it was a lot of fun. Second best day of Spring Break. :)

Saturday - This day was a definite 3. I got to go shooting!! I shot a .22 pistol and rifle. Then I shot .306 rifle. That one hurt a little. ..and the ear plugs made my ears itch. But it was GREAT! And I did pretty well aimwise. Then I got home and Daddy picked me up. We went to his house and watched the first half of the Fifth Element. Then we went to watch African Cats (haha, Heron Makeup Stylist). It was good. :) Those cheetah cubs were CUTE!!!! Then we went to Logan's Roadhouse for dinner. IT WAS GOOD! I got the pork chops, which were a little over seasoned, but once I dipped them in the cinnamon apples, they were way better. :) I chose sweet potato fries and rice pilaf as my sides. The rice was a little...blah, but the fries were good. They had cinnamon sugar, which is a new one for me...but I liked it. Daddy got the ribs (ours are better) with mac and cheese (which he said was ok) and french fries (which had pepper. Oh the horror!!). Oh, almost forgot the appetizers. We got a trio plate with mozzarella sticks (yummy), onion petals (yummy!!), and loaded potato skins (BACON!!!!!). Then we went back to his house and finished up Fifth Element. After that, we went to Walmart and he got some new movies. I also saw quite a few CDs that I want....

Sunday - Church and family. Perfect Sunday. :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Rest of my Birthday

I got a card from Jesse, his mom, and the Young Women. Tasha brought me some brownies and so did Alyssa. AND I got some nummy smelling body wash from the Young Women birthday basket. People at church love me. :D

Went home, helped with dinner. We had pancit and lumpia. Yummy stuff. :) We had brownies instead of cake, because I don't much care for I had lots of brownies. :)

Sarah brought me some milky ways, jelly bracelets, socks, and earrings. My niece picked them out. Cady has good taste. Seth gave me a deck of Host Club cards. :)

On Monday, I got my present from Lisa: Avril's second CD and AN MP3 PLAYER!!!! She loves me! She really loves me! ...of course, I already knew that...but still...

I got 45 comments on facebook, 3 messages, 5 phone calls, and 22 texts. I'm kinda popular. :)

Yeah...idk what else...oh!! Speaking of people who love me (aka-spoil me rotten), Daddy-dearest bought me the 2nd season of Xena!!!!!!!! Yay! I've already watched the first disc. :D It's funnier because I look for the humor more thanks to my English class (we're doing our comedy unit right now...).

That's it....I swear Mormal pictures are coming soon....just remember how long it took me last time...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Birthday (so far)

Despite Beverlee's objection, I am claiming yesterday, today, and tomorrow as my birthday. I can do that because my birthday is on a Sunday.

So my birthday started yesterday. I spent Friday night at my sister's house with Beverlee. Sarah and her hubby went out of town and I babysat. I LOVE my nieces! Sarah gets to see them everyday and so their new tricks come kinda slowly for her, but I always get a crash course in Niece Developments. Megan's new words are so cute, especially her "Nooooooo!" *happy sigh* I love my nieces...

Anyway! Bev and I stayed up late watching movies and getting on facebook. Then we fell asleep. In the morning, I made breakfast and cuddled with the little Stinker while the big Stinker ran around having fun. Chilled with Bev and my nieces until about 12, hen my sister took me home. At about 2, Steve drove Bev and me to the mall. We wandered around until like 3, at which point we (plus David, Tasha, and Lisa) went into the theatre to see Tangled. It was my third time seeing it, and I cried...again... Mauricio showed up late, but he got there. After the movie everyone left except me, Bev, and Mauricio. We wandered around the mall and talked until like 8:30. And Mauricio flirted with both Bev and me the entire time. He's a major flirt.

Then I came home and ate and went to bed.

This morning I woke up 3 times. Once at 4:55 am (which means that I had been 18 for an hour). I read 3 texts and listened to a voice mail. Then I fell asleep and woke up about 6. I read a few more texts and went to sleep. Then I woke up at 7:30 and stayed in bed reading texts and Ozma of Oz for an hour and a half while I waited for my family to serenade me...which they didn't. Instead Mama got me up to talk to Grandie who had just called. Oh well.

Now I need to get ready for church. Another birthday post will be coming sometime in the next day or two.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Party Month

So this month has been one great weekend after another. I don't remember the first weekend...but the second one was Mormal, which I blogged about (I did do that, right??). This weekend I had a party at Lizzie's and then there was supposed to be a dance, but that got canceled so I went to the mall. The mall was fun because the guy who gave us a ride is someone who I enjoy flirting with. (He's also like 3 years older than me and a nonmember so it'll be kept to just flirting) Next weekend is my birthday. I'm still trying to figure out what to do for that...I'm thinking maybe facebooking my plans to go to a movie and then inviting everyone who I have on facebook and everyone I talk to at school to all come and watch it with me...and maybe having a sleepover...except I have no money to buy snacks with...oh, well! I'll figure something out!

So...I have realized that I have not posted about Mormal, only the plans I had for my party. Quick summary: not everyone came to the party, but everyone made it to Mormal. And it was GREAT!! I was just kinda disappointed that I didn't get more than one slow dance with Jesse... :(

Pictures to follow...but I don't know when...

Saturday, March 19, 2011


So I've gone through quite a bit of career choices in the past few years. Mentally of course, seeing as how I've only had one job my entire life...not counting babysitting and some house cleaning. The most recent decision (and I'm thinking I probably will finally stick with this one) is that I'm going to get a degree in Creative Writing. That way I can write at home or get my teaching credentials and teach an English class somewhere.

So in order to get said degree, I'm going to start by getting my general education done at BC. I've already taken the first steps for that particular goal. I took the assessment test today. I rocked all the tests. I blazed through them and got near perfect scores. Except for trig...I did really bad on that...but I still got level 6s for everything (that's the highest). I'm debating whether I should take a summer class or get a job...or both...or something...*sigh* I'll decide later.

Oh, speaking of jobs...anyone know any that I could get? I'd prefer one in town but if there's a summer camp out of town....I'd consider that...

Anyway, no local colleges have a creative writing class, so I'll have to go somewhere like Long Beach, San Bernardino, or Northridge. I want to stay in California and keep it kinda cheap, so these are my 3 top choices to transfer to from the BC. The main problem is that the programs want you to choose between poetry and prose. I want both. And scriptwriting. But the colleges with scriptwriting are almost 10x as expensive, so I'll stick with just creative writing for now. Maybe I'll get in a degree in poetry and fiction prose...

I've realized that it would be a sin for someone as intelligent as me not to get multiple degrees. So next time I start whining and complaining at school, just remind me that I said this.

Ok, so I bet some people are wondering why I changed from Nursing to Creative Writing. It's actually a fairly simple explanation: I hate science, but I enjoy writing. It took me a while to realize this because I HATE English classes. Except when we're doing poetry or writing stories...and I realized how much I like writing scripts after I signed up for the Scriptwriting competition for Spotlight Festival. I enjoy writing. It's still no what you might call a passion, but I really enjoy it.

So what is my passion? It took me pretty long to figure that one out to. And then I realized that I'd known all along. My passion is babies!! I want to get married and have babies because I love babies! I wouldn't mind being a foster mom either. And do lots of charity work and stuff. I like helping people...

And I think that's all I have to say about college...

Also, my birthday is coming up soon!! Buy me presents! I love presents! works too...I like money too....

Sunday, March 13, 2011


This is....addicting...

Mormal post tomorrow or the next day.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

For Grandy

Once again, someone has gotten on my case about blogging, so I figured I'd do it. :)

Let's see....I know! I'll tell you about my Stupendous Singles Spa Soiree! (I like alliteration...)

Mormal is next week. To celebrate, I am having a spa night for those girls that I know that are going without a date. We are going to do manis and pedis and facials on Friday night. And we'll experiment with some fun hair ideas so that we know for sure how each girl is going to do her hair the next day. And we're going to watch Disney movies and dance to music to get us pumped. :)

I was originally going to be all fancy and do smoothies and a veggie tray...but then I decided to be cheap and go with chips and soda. ...maybe I'll do chips and fruit juice. That's half healthy...

Anyway, blueberry muffins in the morning. Sleepover soup for lunch. Then....getting ready. About 6-ish, Jesse is going to show up. He'll be in his tux and will escort us all to dinner and then the dance. And he even hinted at a surprise for all us girls... XD

Then we will dance until we collapse. And then come back to my house. People will get rides home and I will go to sleep. Then I will wake up the next day and put all my accessories and my dress back on and go to church.

:) Sounds like a good plan to me. :)

Also, I love you, Grandy.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I hate titles....

Daddy bought me Xena. Because he loves me that much. And...well, it's the second half of my birthday present. Which is in 4 weeks and 6 days. The first half of my birthday present should be arriving about then. I'll post pictures of that when it gets here.

Seth is home. :) The only thing that's different is that he always on the computer or video games, so it's difficult for me to find time to use the computer/tv.

Also, speaking of Xena...I have watched 20 of 24 episodes. I love this show so much...mostly because of how super hot Ares is. I had to wait until episode 6 for him to finally show up. And then he doesn't make another appearance until episode 20. :/ Maybe he shows up more in season 2? Anyone want to help me with that particular vein of research??? BY buying me the second season?? I would love you lots!! (looks like Joxer shows up more often than Ares...dang it...)

Ok, so let me say this: while buying me stuff will make me love you more, it is only a temporary increase in love. I like stuff, but it's not what really matters to me...despite what some people think...I just like having people buy me stuff because I can't do it for myself. I also enjoy buying other people stuff. So it's like some kind of weird mixture of greed and generosity...or something...I guess...

I wasted a lot of time a couple of weeks ago ripping all of my CDs to the computer. I now have a lot of songs. And I want more. I always want more (that's the greedy part of me. XD )

Well....that's all...

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I could NOT get to sleep Wednesday night because I was too stinking excited. So I was expecting to be really tired in the morning, but I wasn't. I was WAY hyper.

Got started on my hair first thing. Put it up in curlers right off the bat. Walked to school with two bags STUFFED with...stuff...but I managed to get it down to one in time to get on the bus.

Getting everything on the bus was HARD!!! There were like 6 tables and 30 chairs and textbooks. ...and then there was the eraser crisis...and the water bottle (Can I put my lips on that? "That's what she said" XD ).

We got there late, but it was ok because standing around playing Gigolo and Do It with your friends is a lot of fun. Oh, and taking random pictures. XD

We got inside, and the scenes began. I only got to watch four. I watched BHS's, which I LOVED (I mean, it's BHS, of course it was awesome!). Then there was the classroom one...and the Giving Tree one (which almost made me cry) and the black guy murderer one. I didn't get to see the other ones because I was either backstage or in the lobby. Oh, well. :D

Went to lunch with a bunch of Highlanders...and a few BHS kids...namely Brock, whom we all love. :) The food was pretty alright. The ravioli was freaking amazing!!

Then I hung out in the lobby and listened to the Tech Competition feedback. That guy talked and talked and talked and talked. And Lizzy's was SO the best. And Kim's was totally second. ...but Sweeney Todd guy was SO hot. Sunflower should have won SOMETHING. She had the best set design there. But apparently, set and costume are both the same competition, which is ridiculous because they're totally different things. Just silly.

Because I was out in the lobby, I missed the first 3 performance of student written scripts. But I came in for the last one...which was mine. O.O It was amazing. I listened to the audience react exactly the way I wanted them to. Their gasps were so amazing. And everyone hated the wife!! Just like they were supposed to!! And, just so everyone knows, I did NOT cry. Almost, but not quite. It was rather overwhelming though...and some random West chick behind me complimented me on it.

Then it was time to go home (after awards). First they sent us a bus with NO storage. Then they sent us a book with insufficient storage. Then they (finally) sent us the bus that we'd gone in that morning. The ride home was fun.

I didn't have a ride I just stayed at school. Hung out with Cody, Evan, Hana, Yuliya, and Cristian. SO much fun!! I freaking love you guys. Ate fries, drank root beer, sang songs ("And now it's Saturday")....wonderful end to a marvelous day...

Oh, and then the soccer game...but that has nothing to do with Drama.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I Want It....So Bad...

XENA!!!! I want the first season on DVD and after that....I want the second season....and then the third....

Friday, January 28, 2011


...Lisa fell...hard...and it was hilarious. XD Except for how scraped up she was...but besides that it was hilarious. XD I bought her some band aids...I offered to get cute ones, but she said she didn't care if they were cute or not, she just wanted band aids that were big enough.... :/ I bought both...

Saw 2 movies today. Gulliver's Travels and the new Narnia one. Gulliver was SO funny!! I spent the entire movie waiting for the Princess to go "Boosh!". Why did they have to put it at the end? Dawn Treader was better the first time I saw it...with Cameron...

Speaking of, we broke up. I'm officially on a boy break. Except he wants me to go to a dinner thing with him tomorrow....but we're going as friends (which means no holding hands or kissing or playing footsies under the table). It makes me super happy because I've been missing him a lot...I didn't realize just how boring life is when I don't have him to hang out with...

Just uploaded a bunch of music to the comp. And bought 3 new CDs. I really want Britney's Oops I Did It Again CD. Just FYI.

I think that's it...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Just For Daddy (again) update...hmm...

Have I said that Cam and I are a couple? We are.

I donated blood again on Friday.

Yesterday was the basketball games. True to Church Ball standards, I knocked someone down. I also actually made a basket. Which is weird...I'm usually just a support player. We lost the first game (which is when both of the above mentioned events took place), but we won the second.

Steve has a new dog named Oso. We got him for Steve so that it would be easier for him when Germs has to be put down... Oso is a Benji dog, but he got shaved because he has skin he's a shaved Benji dog.

Seth is going to be home in like a month. I'm excited about that...except we're switching rooms because mine is slightly larger. That's going to happen later this month...

Finally, I have earned my Personal Progress medallion and am going to try to get through the program again by my birthday...which is about 70-something days from now. It's actually pretty doable. You just have to do two to five at a time. It's not too bad.

That's all.

About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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