
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Broken Glasses and Broken Hearts

I was at the Neville's last night. It was LOUD!! And (since we were the biggest....and because we were paying attention to them) Tasha and I gave the little ones (all 6 of them) piggy back rides and wrestling matches and etc. Which was fun....until I was too tired to walk anymore.

My favorite Neville is Chaz. He's the cutest. That little boy is gonna grow up to be a heart breaker. Then there is Natasha dear. She likes books. We talked to each other in very loud voices about Jesse, who I am taking to Mormal.

Speaking of Mormal...I was originally going to take Jordan, since he was my boyfriend and all. But now....yeah, not happening. So I ended up asking Jesse one day at seminary. The conversation was sort of like this:
Him - Yeah, I don't think I'm going to Mormal. (him and Robert had been talking about it)
Me - Hey, you should go with me!
Him - Oh, I don't know....
Me - No, really, you should.
Him - Okay, I'll tell my mom.

I was all like ".....your mom? whatever"

ANYWAYS!!! I had been planning to make Mormal dinner for me, my date, and whoever else. Originally, I was going to make spaghetti. Because that was mine and Jordan's meal. Yeah, we had a meal, not a song. ...and we had a movie.... A N Y W A Y ! ! ! So, I asked Sis. Neville what kind of food Jesse likes. I was told that he likes lots of food, but there are only a few that he really likes. One of those happens to be lasagna. So I'm making that. But then I had to know if he liked garlic bread. So I wondered out loud 'to myself' (in a very loud voice) if Jesse liked garlic bread. Then Jesse 'randomly mentioned' to his cousin (in a very loud voice) that he did like garlic bread. So, we're going to have garlic bread, too.

More about Jesse (before we get back to my sleepover at Tasha's). Okay, so the night after I asked Jesse, we (the Laurels) made valentines for mutual (which is how I know that I asked Jesse on a Wednesday). I made one for Jesse (and Daniel and Robert and Stevey and Brandon and Lisa). I gave it to him that night (cause I'm bad at waiting). The next morning, at Seminary, he had liked taped it to his shirt over his heart (oh, it was a heart-shaped valentine). I was all like ^///^....but then I had to leave and catch the bus to CalState. Then, on Valentine's Day (which was, as you know, a Sunday), he wore the valentine tucked into his shirt pocket. Ooo! And he gave me chocolate and a homemade valentine card. It was sweet and it made me blush and smile.

Back to last night!, now we're on to this morning. Okay, so we (Ty, Ben, Tasha, and me) were playing Would You Rather...?, which is very very fun. We ended up fighting over a card and roughhousing a little....and my glasses fell off...and (I bet you can see where this is going) I stepped on my glasses and they broke. glasses now....I guess.

Now, I bet you're wondering about the Broken Hearts part of my title. Well, guess what? I just put that there because it sounded right. XP

What? I HAVE to write something about it? ...okay.... well, let's brainstorm some idea.... the break up....nah, I don't wanna. Brandon.....nah, no one cares a bout me breaking his heart (except maybe him). I know!

CHAZ!!!! (cause the fact that he is too young for me is breaking my heart, lol) (also, I apologize for the quality of the pictures. I did not take them. My camera was passed from child to child last night.) (oh, and I like Chaz because he's such a cuddler. He'll just climb into your lap and lay his head on your shoulder. And he's cute when he tells you all the shapes and colors that are around you. Or when he counts. Or when he watches Dora..... I hope I have a son just like him)


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About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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