
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Finally! I have some pictures (although not the ones I wanted...)

Mormal began with a dinner at my house. I made spaghetti and meatballs. There was originally supposed to be french bread got burnt. So Daddy grabbed some white bread and made individual little slices. Steve made a BEAUTIFUL!!! salad. We ate on the china. Oooer, right?

We all managed to eat without spilling anything on ourselves. Then it was time to go! Except we had to stand around waiting for the parents to get all their pictures. >.<
I wasn't sure what do do with my hair. I put on a headband, but I took it out before we left.

Then we got in the Neville's van for the trip there. Sis. Neville had chocolate that all of just devoured...and then used the wrappers to attack each other. Bev hit me for throwing wrappers at her boyfriend....oh, well! I had fun!

We got to the building at it was amazing! I was on the committee but I had no idea that it would look that good!! It had been decorated like an old hotel in New York. There was a thinger out a umm...the thing that covers the entrance so people don't get wet and it has the name of the hotel and stuff? Anyway, inside they had a "front desk" and a pianist playing I don't remember what. They had a doorman for the entrance to the building and to the dance area.

The dance area was....just...freaking amazing!! They had it set up like a "room within a room." I'm not very good at descriptions, so you're on our own. There was white fabric draping from the a frame that had been set up inside the gym and there were pictures being shined onto the them. Oh! And they had a camera that sent a live feed of the dance floor up to the big screen behind the DJ (who rocked!!).

There were two fondue fountains (not the greatest fondue) and a spritzer bar (Sprite with passion fruit, strawberry, watermelon, or root beer flavoring). Pineapple dipped in chocolate is really really good....even better than pretzels.

I slow danced with uhh....2 guys? Brandon and Jesse. Yeah, two. Lisa, however, danced with Jesse, Brandon, Chad, Daniel, and this one guy named Edgar (who she wasn't entirely sure of...). I was so proud of her!! My Lisa draws guys to her like honey draws flies (perfect comparison cause Lisa is sweet like honey and guys are as annoying as flies)!

OH! The most important thing of the night!! My corsage! It was absolutely gorgeous! There were two striped carnations that were just....perfect!! And the bow was made of a ribbon that was the same exact color (well...almost) as the material for my collar!! I loved it so much!

We all danced the night away! It was the best dance that I've ever been to (and it totally beat the pants off of Highland's formal!!).
Well, that was Mormal. Sorry it took so long!! I have some other pictures that I may or may not be adding. The end! (I'm out)


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Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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