
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This week made me want to....

...kill myself. 'Nuff said (which details para tu!).

We had state testing this week. Easy as taking candy from a quadriplegic. Which means that it was also very boring.

I recalculated my money for this pay period (thanks to the wonderful link Sarrae gave me). I will actually have $67.50 to spend...and I already know where half of it is going! I like planning ahead.

Also, I am starting a list of things I want for my office (in case you happen to have it lying around the house and you want to give it to me). I'll post the list later.

Work, in general, is still rather boring. Paperwork gets pretty repetitive after a while. Especially when it's the same form over and over and over again. I've been auditing the Foster Family charts. When those are done, we'll start working on the Foster Children's charts.

I'll give you a quick intro to everyone at work (whose names I remember...). Sheri (?) is my supervisor. I work in her office, and she tells me what to do and offers advice. There is Martin, the CEO/guy who hired me/my seminary teacher. Shannon is the DV counselor. I pull her files and check them in. Geoffrey works mostly with Federal Probation (as far as I can tell). There are about...5 or so social workers for the FFA (Foster Family Agency). And there is Michelle who is in charge of intake and the front desk. No fun stories to tell about any of them.

My real reason for blogging today was to write about Trevor's baptism. Trevor is Alyssa's boyfriend. She made it clear that she would only marry a member. He took the lessons, gained a testimony, and got baptized. I'm really happy for the both of them. Alyssa's been my seminary whisper buddy ever since Emily left :'(.

I had to leave the service multiple times to go take a breather. It was a lot rougher than I though it would be. Especially when Trevor bore his testimony. Why was it so hard? Well...I had this boyfriend...

I made it clear to this boyfriend that I would only marry a member. He dumped me. Alyssa got what I wanted. Alyssa got what I had been praying and hoping for. I am so jealous that it's hard just to look at her.

But, don't get me wrong, I am really happy for Alyssa. It was great seeing her smile so much tonight. I hope that the two of them work out.

Okay, I'm out.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Single Again!!

Well...Robert broke up with me this morning for his ex. Which...I'm not upset about. There are a few things that I am upset about in regards to Robert, but the break up is not one of them.

Quite honestly...I'm almost relieved. Actually...I am relieved. I'm really disappointed too because I really really like him but...I discovered that I actually prefer being single. The whole casual dating thing is a whole lot better than the whole exclusive relationship thing. Less stressful.

When I made the decision not to do the whole bf/gf thing, in my mind I was thinking "unless one of three specific guys ask me..." Robert happened to be one of them, which is why I said yes. Robert is the first active Mormon guy that I've dated... weird...

Work was lame. I hate it already. Paperwork sucks, especially when I'm not sure if I'm doing it right and it turns out that I'm now... BUT!!! I will get paid and it will all be worth it! Only 3 more days until the pay period is over and only 2 weeks until my first paycheck!! I will survive!! I will also only be getting paid about...$166.50 (not counting taxes). But my next paycheck should be more like...$414 (not counting taxes). That's what I get for starting halfway into the pay period and losing 4 and a half hours of work. Grr! Stupid state testing!!!

Anywho, that's all. I'm out.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Robert is my boyfriend. There! I said it! I’m so excited about it, too!! I wasn’t really planning on the whole boyfriend thing for a while...but...Robert asked…and well…I really like him, so I said yes. He’s like…one of two guys that I would have said ‘yes’ to.

First day at work today! It was great. Took about an hour to fill out some paperwork. Then I worked from 1 to 5. How do those people do it for any longer than that?? I was so bored after about…2 hours. Crazy people.

Anyway, My job is to just look over paperwork. I also do a lot of filing…and I have to lock and unlock the file room (and filing boxes) for everyone else in the office. There are like…12 different keys for me to use! But overall…it was fun. I get paid $9 an hours. Next payday is the 26th. Most def looking forward to it!

On the way home, I saw my first real-life tranny! From behind, I though it was a chick. Then I saw the chest hair and lack of breasts. Okay…so it was more like a cross-dresser, but maybe he/she is on his/her way to becoming a her for good.

Then, when I was walking, this Mexican guy in a truck did the eyebrow thing at me. Y’know, like, “hey, what up, cutie?” I was like “ew…creeper.”

Well, that’s been my day. (Actually, the Robert thing was on Tuesday). The most exciting thing is, of course, Robert asking me out. I still start blushing when I think about it (I mean, seriously, how dorky is that? Blech!) .

Anywho, I’m out!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hasn't been very long since my last post, but I have quite a bit to write about.

First off, I saw Jordan on Monday (not the reason that I was upset). For some strange reason he kept hugging me. He hugged me like 5 times. Maybe more. I was like "WTFM? Whatever." It was just odd....

Also on Monday, I had a bit of a meltdown. Everything just sort of caught up to me at once. Then I went to Panda Express and got....sweetfire chicken breast, orange chicken, and beijing beef. Then I got fried rice and a large chow mein. So basically I got a 3-entree and a large side. And it was good!!! I didn't eat it all last night, only the orange chicken and chow mein. Panda Express is my comfort food.

Today was....well...something happened that I'm not sure I should write about as I am not sure how it will work out. So until then.....I'll just keep you in suspense. If it turns out the way I'm hoping it will, you will hear about it....a lot. Otherwise, I'll never mention it again. Who knows.

Well, Megan want me, so I'm out!


Finally! I have some pictures (although not the ones I wanted...)

Mormal began with a dinner at my house. I made spaghetti and meatballs. There was originally supposed to be french bread got burnt. So Daddy grabbed some white bread and made individual little slices. Steve made a BEAUTIFUL!!! salad. We ate on the china. Oooer, right?

We all managed to eat without spilling anything on ourselves. Then it was time to go! Except we had to stand around waiting for the parents to get all their pictures. >.<
I wasn't sure what do do with my hair. I put on a headband, but I took it out before we left.

Then we got in the Neville's van for the trip there. Sis. Neville had chocolate that all of just devoured...and then used the wrappers to attack each other. Bev hit me for throwing wrappers at her boyfriend....oh, well! I had fun!

We got to the building at it was amazing! I was on the committee but I had no idea that it would look that good!! It had been decorated like an old hotel in New York. There was a thinger out a umm...the thing that covers the entrance so people don't get wet and it has the name of the hotel and stuff? Anyway, inside they had a "front desk" and a pianist playing I don't remember what. They had a doorman for the entrance to the building and to the dance area.

The dance area was....just...freaking amazing!! They had it set up like a "room within a room." I'm not very good at descriptions, so you're on our own. There was white fabric draping from the a frame that had been set up inside the gym and there were pictures being shined onto the them. Oh! And they had a camera that sent a live feed of the dance floor up to the big screen behind the DJ (who rocked!!).

There were two fondue fountains (not the greatest fondue) and a spritzer bar (Sprite with passion fruit, strawberry, watermelon, or root beer flavoring). Pineapple dipped in chocolate is really really good....even better than pretzels.

I slow danced with uhh....2 guys? Brandon and Jesse. Yeah, two. Lisa, however, danced with Jesse, Brandon, Chad, Daniel, and this one guy named Edgar (who she wasn't entirely sure of...). I was so proud of her!! My Lisa draws guys to her like honey draws flies (perfect comparison cause Lisa is sweet like honey and guys are as annoying as flies)!

OH! The most important thing of the night!! My corsage! It was absolutely gorgeous! There were two striped carnations that were just....perfect!! And the bow was made of a ribbon that was the same exact color (well...almost) as the material for my collar!! I loved it so much!

We all danced the night away! It was the best dance that I've ever been to (and it totally beat the pants off of Highland's formal!!).
Well, that was Mormal. Sorry it took so long!! I have some other pictures that I may or may not be adding. The end! (I'm out)

Monday, April 5, 2010


I don't know what it is right now but I'm feeling kind of depressed. I'm not happy. I have no energy. I just want to curl up and bed and go back to sleep.

I really want Panda Express right now. I got some money as a late b-day present today and that's what I'm going to use it for. Mostly because of who gave it to me.

I got some Mormal pictures, so when I get home I'll make the post (3 weeks later!).

Maybe Mama will be willing to drive me to Panda for dinner. Hopefully.

I'm dreading the thought of going to school tomorrow. Too much thinking and stuff involved. And I'll have to socialize and talk (...same thing...) and....oh, I don't know. I'd rather stay home on bed or go to work with Mama or help Sarah out with the babies.

I think I've used up all of my energy. I'm gonna go veg out on the couch. Yeah....I'm done....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Making History

Went to the movies with Lisa yesterday. Robert was supposed to go with us, but that didn't work out. It also means that he probably won't be making it to my b-day dinner tomorrow. I'm really really really disappointed.

We saw Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel. It was awesome!! Then we went to Barnes & Nobles. Lisa bought me the third volume of Gentleman's Alliance. That's in addition to her earlier present of The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. Then we had linner at Subway. I got the sweet onion teriyaki and it was gooood!!! Then we wandered around two shoe stores. Didn't really find anything at the first one, but the second was amazing!! I saw like....10 pairs of shoes that I really wanted. And they were all on sale. Didn't get any though..... That's about the time we went home. It was a heck of a lot of fun. Oh, and before all that, we were hanging at my house. That was the funnest part.

Another great part? While we were at B&N, we was the Bark-man!! He's still wearing those awful yellow pants and Hawaiian shirts, but he looks like he's lost some weight. Retirement looks good on him!

GenCon today. Should be fun. I was only half there for the morning session, but I should be more awake for the afternoon session.

I bet tomorrow will be even better! Especially since we're going to be having such a yummy dinner!! Too bad Robert won't be there....

Anyway, that's all. I'm out.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

3 Guys in 3 Days

I went with Mama to Aunt Margaret's funeral. The car ride was fun, and the food was good. Other than that....not so much fun. It wasn't exactly the best birthday I've ever had. I got about 5 or 6 birthday calls. But the really fun part of the trip was Guy #1: Dale.

To be more respectful, I suppose I should call him Uncle Dale. Mama's brother is really funny!! We hung out, looked at old pictures, and listened to Dale talk. It was a lot of fun. According to Mama, he's picky about who he likes. He very obviously doesn't like several members of the family. But he likes me. He told me to keep in touch, so I need to write him a letter soon. (Out of the 3 guys, I think that he's my favorite!)

On Tuesday (Uncle Dale was on Monday), Brandon took me on a picnic and then we wandered around Rite Aid, Walgreens, and the mall. We talked about hair dye and school and other random stuff. It's always fun to be able to hang out with a guy and not worry about whether or not he's considering it a date. It's fun to just....hang out, y'know?

Tuesday's also the same day that Mama bought us gym memberships. I've already been there twice! I really like it and I'm having a lot of fun.

Robert spent the entire day at our house on Wednesday. He helped in the yard, helped with dinner, and helped with dishes. We watched Latter Day Night and Pride & Prejudice. Robert and I ended up talking a lot because Chad played video games and then went to Sarrae's. We talked about what girls were hot. We talked about hockey. We talked about what guys were hot. It was fun. We spent all of Pride & Prejudice talking about how cute Keira Knightley is.
"I wish I looked as good blowing out a candle as Keira Knightley does."
"Yeah, me too"

Nothing much today. But tomorrow....I'ma hang with Lisa. Yay!!

Oh, and I just read something that totally shocked me but is making me smile like crazy.

Okay, now I'm out!

About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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