
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Here's a list of everything I got starting from my very first present (which I got like a week before Christmas...)

Lisa: a shirt that I love and a book light

Bev: colored tape to tape up my broken glasses. Now my glasses are totally stylin'

Cam: a cookbook with recipes from restaurants. And tomorrow he's going to get me a jacket to go with my new dresses (post about that later...)

YW leaders: yummy smelling body wash

Mama: CD by Eclipse. They're a group of 6 guys whose only instruments are their mouths (and throats). It's pretty cool.

Daddy: DESPICABLE ME!!!! With an Inflatable minion whom I have named Larry. I have now watched Despicable Me 4 times. Still love it ("It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!")

And, of course, regular stocking stuff.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


You know what I love about Christmas? A lot of things. So that's what this post is dedicated to.

First: Christmas songs! "Mary, Did You Know", "Kung Pao Buckaroo Holiday", "O Holy Night", "Hard Candy Christmas", etc. Some are beautiful, some are fun, some are funny. But they're all great. Can't think of one that I don't like.

Second: Shopping!! I am a fairly typical female, so I like to shop. I love spending money. However (like always), I am limited so I am only buying presents for a lucky few. Although, a few others will be able to appreciate the third thing I love about Christmas...

Third: Baking! Cookies and cookies and cookies and bread and cookies! All kinds of cookies...but only one kind of bread. I hope we get a whole lot of flour soon...

Fourth: PRESENTS!!! I love getting things. I'm greedy and materialistic like that. That's why I have my lists of things that I want on the right side of my blog. Go ahead, buy me something. You'll be more likely to get some baked goodies that way. :)

Fifth: Family. Yeah, everything else gets exclamation points. But everything else is more of an excitement thing. Family is more peaceful and relaxing. Family makes you want to relax on the couch and drink hot cocoa and make fun of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

Well...that's all. Merry Christmas to all. :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I'M DONE!!!!

With Personal Progress, that is. I finished it last week after having only two projects left for about a year. But now it is complete and I is very happy. So, for your extreme enjoyment, I will post a list of what projects I did (also because I have nothing else to write about and this post is too short

Faith: Read the entire Book of Mormon and pray to know that it is true (guess what? It is).

Divine Nature: Help out Sarah with the kiddos and learn about my divine nature as a mother.

Individual Worth: Do my job as the lighting designer for Little Shop of Horrors and realize that I was the one for the job and I did an AMAZING job.

Knowledge: Learn how to make bread and then teach it to someone else.

Choice & Accountability: I helped plan and decorate a youth dance last year. It was pretty amazing. For the youth who went, it was the Luau themed one with the smoothies.

Good Works: I collected recipes into a book and then prepared dinner for the family several times.

Integrity: I took notes on all four sessions of General Conference and compiled my notes into 4 little booklets. (This was my last one)

Virtue: I read the entire Book of Mormon and took notes while I read.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Never thought it would come to this...

So this is going to be difficult to admit to everyone. I never thought that would have to say this, but unfortunately I do...yesterday I learned that...I need more pink in my wardrobe. Ugh, I am almost ashamed to admit it. I need something pink and girly, but still me...which means that I would have to buy it for myself, because I'm so stinking picky. I also realized that I need more...elegant jewelry. Small simple things, y'know? Ones that are accents, not statements.

Now I don't want people getting some strange idea that my tastes are changing. That's simply not it. I have just realized that I am missing some certain necessaries of my wardrobe. Things for different costumes.

Anyway, that's all. Also, I cut my hair.

About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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