
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Everything Except Mormal

There were so many things I wanted to blog about last week, but I never got the chance to. So I forgot a lot of them. I'll try and remember them now.

First, we're going back to my Daddy Date Day. I forgot to mention something very important: the cute guy in the gardening section at Walmart. He kinda smiled a shy "hey, what's up. you're kinda cute" smile. So I kinda smiled a "hey, what's up. you're kind cute, too" smile back. Of course, I may have been totally mistranslating that smile, but.....I have hope. Because he was really really cute.

Now on to Monday! Let's see...went to Sarah's. Went to Cady's photo shoot. Megan was happy the entire time, but Cadence was NOT. Don't really remember much else from that day except that I'm forgetting something.

Tuesday was school. I realized that the group I hang out with during Study Hall isn't who I want to be hanging out with, but I don't know anyone else. What am I supposed to do? Eh, I'll figure it out. That night there was a concert at my old middle school. My old high school and my old middle school were playing a concert together. GO ORCHESTRA!!!! And the band was good too. I guess.

Wednesday was mutual. I don't remember what it was. Oh, that's because I didn't go, haha. It was the skating party. I went over to Tasha's house instead. We hung out and celebrated Chaz's birthday. He's so CUTE!!! He got me to play Chutes & Ladders with him on the computer. I just couldn't win!! I kept getting the same chute over and over and over again. I was like "Grrr!" For dinner, they had mac & cheese and hotdogs. I had already eaten at my house, and guess what we had had? Mac & cheese and hotdogs! Very amusing. Watching Chaz open his presents was great. He got a Pez dispenser and nothing else interested him for the rest of the night except for his candy.

My Spanish teacher canceled class on Thursday. So I skipped seminary and slept it. Spent all day at home. Don't really remember doing much. By this time, my dress was pretty much done. Except for the collar. Mama works so well!! Then I went to the show. Pretty routine. Ran box office, sat backstage and talked to Nikki. Flirted with Mauricio. All that fun stuff.

Friday was.....frustrating. Went to school, it was whatever. Then I got home, did homework, ate dinner. That was fine. About 5:30 I look for someone to give me a ride to school. No car. I'm fine. Mama had it, so I called her. No answer. I leave a message. About 5:45 I call again. No answer. I call a few other people. No luck. I send an email to Daddy. No luck. So I sat in the living room calling Mama and getting her voicemail, and then calling Daddy and getting the busy tone. Just call, hang up, call, hang up, call, hang up with no rest. About 6:25 Mama calls back "I'm on my way." By this time I'd already been called twice by someone from school. I had broken down in tears because I was so frustrated. And when Mama picks me up, does she go the fast way and take the freeway? No! She takes the slow way with all the lights! I was SO frustrated with her! Nikki had to calm me down because I was about to break down crying again. I ended up sitting in the audience that show. Not an experience I want to repeat. I prefer the backstage life. Although, I did get to stare at the back of a certain someone's head because he had come to see Cody perform. It was almost worth it.

Saturday was so hectic!! I showered, bought last minute things, picked up the boutonniere, made dinner, got dressed, couldn't figure out how to do my hair, did my make up, went to Mormal, and sometime during that went to Tevin's party. Tevin's party was great! I got there about an hour late and only stayed for an hour. It was within walking distance, luckily. When I came, there was a bean bag fight going on. The California version of a snowball fight, haha. Then we sat around eating pizza and talking for a while. The next part was the most fun: Twister!! We had a mini-tournament. I lost because someone fell on me. I think it was Autumn. Of course, me being me, I didn't go for the easy circles, I grabbed random ones that made my position much more difficult. I mean, that's what makes it fun. Although I was kind of upset that I lost so early on. But I got to play another round and I was one of the last two in. So it was all good. After that, we were about to go in and play Pin the Afro on Tevin, but instead we did a soul train line. It was okay, not the best soul train line, but we had fun. That's when I had to go. And it's a good thing I did because I (with the help of Steve and Daddy) barely finished dinner in time!

Now about the'll have to wait until my Mormal post for that! Hahahahaha!! And you have to wait until I get Mormal pictures for my Mormal post!!

BYD on Sunday was great. We talked abut dating and what exactly a date is. I believe the definition that we came up with was: two people of opposite genders getting together because they are romantically interested in the other person and want to get to know them better. Of course, at this stage in life it is required that these dates be double or group dates. So....if it's only one guy and one girl going to get something to eat just for the sake of getting something to eat (and because it's her birthday and that's her present), that not a date.

On Monday, I went to Sarrae's (Sarah + Rae = Sarrae). Hung out...wasn't very helpful...I really do need to find something that I can do for her besides just kinda babysit. Got home, did some homework, went to bed.

Tuesday was school. I had a rough draft due that I knew we would grade in class if I didn't finish it, but if I did finish it, we would grade it at home. Which is what happened. I finished the essay and we didn't have time for it in class. I've got some History stuff and some Chemistry stuff that's kind of late. I'm turning it in on...tomorrow. Nothing big, so I'm not worried. I was looking through the classifieds and I saw that a cafe near my school was hiring. I thought, "hmm, I should check it out." So I had Steve pick me up and drive me over there. We drove past and there were about ten ladies in their 20s and 30s sitting outside. I was like O.O! and we left. I was a little disappointed. At 5-ish, Daddy took me to the 99¢ Store. I got three picture frames (one for each of my Mormal 5x7s and one for Chad's), two ties (one for me and one for Seth), a thing of bobby pins, and a thing of hair ties.

Today has barely started. But I look really cute today. I'm wearing black pants, black tennies, a black tank, a black button-up (only bottom two buttons buttoned), black eyeliner (not super thick, but done like eyeliner should be done: thin), and a pink plaid tie. It has a vaguely school girl feel to it. I love this outfit. It is my new favorite. Oh, and my hair looks good. I blow-dried it straight yesterday and after sleeping on it last night, it has a kind of a tamed bed-head look. I also tried on one of those fabric hairband thingys that I bought for Mormal. I used the pink one and it looked great!! But it kept slipping off, so I'm only putting it on when I go out in public. My original idea was to go all black with just a splash of color. And it works.

Oh, and I also wrapped my green hairband around my wrist for St. Patty's day. Happy birthday Bro. Hansen and Mathew I.!!!

Last thing: I asked Bro. Hansen if he was hiring, and he said yes. I asked if he hired under 18 (age) and he said maybe. So tomorrow I'm going to take my resume and go see him at work. Wish me luck!!


Sarah Smith said...

For what it's worth "just babysitting" is extremely helpful. Having a second set of hands to play with Megan while I chase down Cadence. Or having someone to keep Cadence distracted while I do dishes. VERY helpful. But, we could always pick a chore for you to do (maybe pickup/vacuum the girls' room for me? It doesn't get done often enough).

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Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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