
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Mind is Blown

Got bored, looked at my stats. Then I was like O.O

Not because of the amount of views (because it's not that impressive), but because of the fact that I've had people from other countries view my blog. 1 view each from Romania, Australia, and Denmark. 2 views from Russia. 3 views from Canada. 13 views from Germany! And then a lot from the US.

It was the Germany number that stood out. 13? Is that 13 different people? Or one person 13 times? Or 2-12 people multiple times?

I feel cool....haha.

My Classes

The school year started about...oh, five weeks ago. So, I should probably tell you about my classes now, huh?

First period: AP English with Ernst. Amazing class. Love the teacher. We've read through the Oedipus Cycle and Beowulf already. Had a very interesting discussion about the symbolism of swords and caves on Thursday.

Second Period: CP Physics with Rappleye. Love the teacher. Class is super boring. It's easy. Too easy. We've been going over speed and acceleration for 2 or 3 weeks. I mostly just sleep.

Third Period: CP Econ with Marquez. Myeh. But Marquez doesn't believe in homework, so I guess it's ok. Once again, super boring. I'd sleep, but we have to turn in our notes...

Fourth Period: Drama!!!! Love it! We're doing Shakespeare right now. I'm in a duo with Angelica. We're split up into production teams. Two Drama 4's and about 9 techs. We hire actors per project (except for Shakespeare festival...). My fave class.

Lunch: Ok, so maybe this is my favorite one...

Sixth Period: Student Tutoring for Kunnath. Don't really have anything to do...I just read. Maybe things will pick up later on??

And then I have seventh off and I go home.

That's my schedule. It's super easy and super boring. Not my fave schedule...but it'll do. Maybe I can find a new job?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Two Things...

One, this morning: The Spider Attack!!!

In seminary this morning, we were sitting around talking and stuff. We had reached the Seven Minute Lull in conversation. All of sudden Ashlynn says, "Robyn! There's a spider on your arm!" I freaked. I flailed my arms in an attempt to fling it off. At the same time I pushed my chair away from the table...and possibly screamed. Then no one could see the spider (at this point, I may have squealed). Suddenly, someone pointed it out. It was on the table (may have screamed then too...). Joel got up and ran out of the door. Jesse grabbed a book and slammed it down on the spider, at which point I definitely screamed. It was dead. But I was still mildly freaking out. I was almost hyperventilating and on the verge of tears. I hate spiders.

Also, I checked out a book yesterday (Tuesday). It was by an author who I had really liked...but I hadn't read anything by her since I started reforming my books choices (mainly because I've read all of her books). I noticed that the library had a new book by her, so I decided to read it. Man, it was awful! I kept reading it because I wanted to finish it, but I started getting really depressed. I started thinking about doing stuff I shouldn't (like drinking and drugs and stuff). I thought that it was a continuation of the mood I've been in recently, but I realized that it was more. And...once I switched to a different, more positive book...the feelings disappeared. It's thing like that that help me to become better. It's the moments like that, when I realize that something doesn't make me feel good, that help me set rules and limits. If only it were easier to learn from the positive feelings...but, hey, at least I'm learning. Smile

About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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