
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Weekend

Well now...where to start. Well, how about where I left off. That would bring me to....Friday.

Okay, Friday was the day that I picked out my glasses! I went in for an appointment at wondermous Costco. Apparently my eyes are a little bit worse than a year and a half ago. Or maybe just one of my eyes is. Anywho! I picked out frames all by myself (so if they look bad on me, I blame Sarah and Erin for not being there) and I LOVE them. I'm just worried that they might be too wide. They are thick-rimmed black rectangular glasses. Well, maybe you should remove the "-ular" from that description. These glasses don't have those rounded edges that most frames have; these are rectangles. And they're really narrow. I mean, from what I remember, the frames don't narrow at all from the eye part to the ear part thing (like ==== instead of -==-, y'know?). I'm sorry that I can't describe it right. I was trying to find a picture online, but it's not working. I don't even know what brand/designer/whatever they are. Maybe if I could find the receipt....oh, well, it's somewhere. Eventually I'll get get a pic of them on.

Saturday had two events. First was Tech Day for my old Drama Club. I was there because Tevy-baby needed help with lights and I am the resident expert. And also because it was something to do. It was fun, but I had to leave before the actors' run through because I had to get ready for the hockey game.

(random change to Valley Girl style!! read it really, really fast. Like speed-talking) So, a few days before the game, Lisa calls me up and says "I've got tickets for the game this weekend, do you want to go?" I'm like, "Hecks of yes!! I love hockey!" So she's like, "Okay, call Maria and see if she wants to go, too." So I call Maria and I'm all like, "Wanna go to the game?" And she's like "No, Jesse says he's coming into town this weekend." I'm kind of like "grrr!" but all I say is "fine." Then I call Lisa back and tell her that Maria said no and Lisa's all like "grrr!" and then she was all like "Well, who else can go?" And so we start naming names and calling a few people but no one can go, right? So she's all like "well, what about that guy you're taking to Mormal?" and so I'm like "Jesse? Yeah, I guess I can ask him." So I call and his sister picks up and I'm all like "Is Jesse home?" and she's all like "no" and so I'm like "well is he doing anything this Saturday?" and she's all like "I dunno, lemme ask." So she asks her mom and then she's all like "No, he's not doing anything" and so I was like "Well can you tell him that I've got tickets for the hockey game this Saturday and see if he wants to go?" and she was like "yeah, sure." So he called later and was all like "Yeah, I'll go," which I knew he would say. Heck I'd even already told Lisa that he was going. So anyway, then we went.

(back to normal) So we got there and met up with Lisa. Then we went in without her because she had to sit with the band (which is where me and Jesse moved to after they got there). Our home team won! By two points, and there was a pretty good fight, too. But, rewinding a bit, we (Lisa, Jesse, and me (oh, and Chad too, I guess)) hung out. Lisa sent me to buy a pretzel for her and told me to get something for myself. I got ice cream. And it was SOOOOOOO gooooood. I shared with....ummm....everyone? Haha, nah. I shared with Lisa, Jesse, and Kiersten. They all agreed that it was really good ice cream. And then, after the second period, they were launching shirts from those shirt launcher things (♫ real men of genius! ♫), and one flew straight into my lap! I mean, I didn't even need or reach for it, or fight anyone for it, it was just there. I was talking to Jesse and then he pointed up and said "hey, look" and there was the shirt flying for my face. It was a pretty lame shirt, but I was all like "Dude!!! This is the first time I ever won something at a game!!" It was pretty exciting. When we dropped Jesse off, I gave him the shirt. I didn't really want it. I didn't tell him that, I just threw it at him when he got out of the cat. It would have been mean to tell him I gave it to him because I didn't want it, right? I mean, "I don't want this. You can have it." IDK, it seems almost rude to me. (Jesse, if you're reading this....umm...I adore you? haha)

Yeah...but the game....there were ads for like 4 concerts...and I want to go to all of them and mentioned it to Jesse. Like the ad would come up and I'd be "Oooo! I want to go see that!" And...umm...then Jesse was all like "Well, which one do you want to go to the most?" And I was like "I don't know." I ended up narrowing it down to two. Then after the game he started asking about how much tickets to the concerts would cost. And I was like (in my head) "oh, crap...I hope he isn't planning on asking me on a date. I mean, maybe if we went as friends it'd be cool.... I've gone places with Brandon as friends....." But I'm still worried....I mean, I don't know what Jesse is thinking when he asks me about concerts or tells me that he's going to take me for dinner at Sizzler as a way of saying thank you for taking him to the game (and as a b-day present too). I don't want to date Jesse. I don't want to go on dates with Jesse. I don't mind going places with him as friends. But....he told me a while ago that he wasn't going to date until after his mission and I have a lot of respect for him because of that. If he changed that decisions....I'd be really disappointed.

Sunday was Stake Conference. I remember right after Pres. Larsen's talk, I was all like "Wow..." but I can't remember what it was about. I just remember that I was staring at him in awe. I really need to ask someone about that....

Then I got home and wrote to Seth. I told him about all the changes I've made and about my Mormal dress. Then I sort of just....spilled out some of my emotions and some of the stuff that I've been struggling with. I know that you're not supposed to write to the missionaries about the bad stuff that's happening or negative emotions or stuff because it can be distracting and whatnot, but I also knew that he'd be able to help me with it. And he did. He said exactly what I needed to hear. I feel better now. A lot better. It helps having a missionary for a brother. And I'm not as worried about the future because I know that if I need some advice (that I don't want to talk to Mama about) that Seth will be there for me, and he'll have some of the experience that he needs to help me with it.

Speaking of missionaries, I don't think anyone realizes just how young missionaries are until they have a son (or brother) who leaves for one. I mean, I still can't think of Seth as old enough for a mission. I mean I know that he is (he'll be 21 in 3 months and 5 days!), but it just doesn't feel like he is, y'know? It feels so weird sometimes to look at the elders and think "They're the same age as Seth. Maybe younger." It's really weird thinking that about Elder Whimpy....

Anywho, Steve is yelling at me to get off, so I'm out!


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About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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