
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


My last post was on Tuesday. So we'll start with Wednesday!

Actually....we'll start with something else. My camera. My poor, abused digital camera. My poor, abused, currently broken digital camera. I don't remember exactly when it happened....Yes, I do. It was on Friday...last Friday (in February, not March). I let Cady play with my camera and whatnot. She's banged it and dropped it before, and nothing bad has happened. This time, however, we were in the bathroom. I had just told Sarah that "Cady can't do anything to it unless she drops it in the toilet or something." And guess what she did. Ha! You're wrong! She didn't drop it in the toilet! She dropped it lens down on the floor and jammed the lens. Daddy's gonna try to fix it. But until new pictures.

Okay, so Wednesday. Wednesday had some good and some bad. First, I got to see Nicole!! I was SO happy! I hadn't seen her since....December or so. She's one of my besties and I alt+3 her! It was really great. And then I got to see her on Thursday and Friday too! Happy me!

But the bad part....on Wednesday one of my friends told me that she wasn't allowed to talk to me anymore. Apparently I'm a bad influence or something. Now, a month ago I would have just laughed it off and been like "Haha, I'm a bad influence! Go me!" or something. But now... it really bothers me. I think what bothers me the most is that this came right after I decided to make all these changes in my life. I'm finally really changing....and then that was pretty depressing.

So, Thursday. Let's see here....School....then home....then I went shopping with Bev for her Mormal outfit. She got a black skirt and a really pretty blue-green top. It looked great on her! Only problem was....her icky boyfriend came with us and she spent most of the time hanging on him and talking to him and kissing him and whatnot. Which was really annoying. And so that night, I apologized to all of my Drama buddies about how I had acted with Jordan around them. I hadn't realized just how annoying it was.... With my next boyfriend (which won't be for a while), it's definitely minimal PDA. Holding hands, hugs, quick kisses and that's it! And only very occasionally.

Thursday night was my old school's opening night for the play the Drama Club is doing. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be that great because I had just seen them rehearsing it on Monday. And on wasn't the greatest. But....OH MY FLYING FLIPPER SAUSAGE MONKEY!!! It was AMAZING!!! Everyone who knows me should know what school I'm referring to. So, if you can go, you totally should. It was great! $5 admission, show starts at 7 pm.

And also on Thursday, I got to talk to Nicole a whole bunch. Same thing on Friday. We both sat backstage during the show and talked a lot. We watched the play too and made a lot of comments on it. But we mostly talked about Nicole and me.

On Friday, I went to school. Took the EAP essay for English. I had to write about some guy's quote and whether or not I agreed with it and why. It sucked. I hate essays like that. I hope I did well. Then I went out and waited for the bus. And it took 40 or 50 minutes for the bus to get there. And traffic was bad, so it took forever to get to the transit center. Then I had to wait 15 minutes for my next bus. And traffic was bad. And we stopped at every single hot mustard jelly bean stop. And it was really really really annoying. I wanted to shoot someone.

Then I got to go to the movies with Lisa!! We went to see Alice in Wonderland. I liked it, Lisa was disappointed. Then I went to the second night of my old school's play.

Only two more nights left!! Next Thursday and Friday. And then that's it!! It's very sad.

Saturday was mine and Daddy's date day. He picked me up at 11 and we went shopping. Our menu for the night was ribs, potato salad, corn on the cob, and funnel cake! The ribs were SO good! The meat fell right off of the bone and the we had good barbecue sauce and we had two racks of it and there's half a rack still sitting in my fridge and I can't eat it cause I'm fasting and it's driving me crazy!!! The funnel cake was a bit of a trial and error thing. I'm pretty sure we figured out how to do it right. Thicker batter and hotter oil. We watched some basketball at the church and then two movies at Daddy's house. And we took Brin for a walk!! She was so funny! I'm kind of upset that the ducks were so skittish, but what can you do?

At Daddy's house we've made....french onion soup, Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches, chicken cordon bleu, and ribs. Good good stuff. And thinking about it isn't helping my fast. GRR!!!

Okay, so I kind of like the guy playing Willard. I mean, I'm not going to try to get at that or anything. I just enjoy being around him and talking to him. And he gives really good hugs. He's also two years younger than me. Now, I don't normally like younger guys. Well, noticeably younger guys (i.e. - different grade). But the guys in the Drama Club....idk, I keep liking the younger guys from the club. *sigh* Whatever. Nicole calls me a cougar and I'm just like "whatever."

Okay, I'm out!


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Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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