
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Yesterday was school and not much else. I don't really remember much except for a lot of sleeping. Which means that I didn't sleep a lot last night.

Today was Robyn's Birthday Eve. I is very excited about tomorrow!! Well, not really...but that's coming later.

I got to seminary this morning and saw a Happy Birthday balloon and a vase of flowers. They were for me from Jesse. Then we had a scripture chase and the Juniors won!! 125 to 11 (Seniors) to 5 (Sophmores). They's got it handed to them!! Go Juniors!! Go Juniors!!

Then I went to school, which was blah. Then I went to the Neville's house and hung out with Tasha and Chaz. DJ was building Rome and catapults. It was fun knocking her buildings down. XD
At 5, Bro. and Sis. Neville went to dinner with me and Jesse. IT WAS GOOD!!! We started with a sample plate. Mozzarella sticks, chicken strips, onion rings, and fried zuccini. The marinara sauce left a bit to be desired, but the ranch was GREAT. Then I ordered a hot cocoa (my main reason for choosing Carrows) and a Uptown Pot Roast Melt. The melt wasn't quite what I was expecting and the fries didn't have any salt. But it was really good!! They brought Sis. Neville the Cheesy Garlic Bread instead of the cornbread that she ordered, so they brought out some cornbread and let us keep the garlic bread. And that cheesy garlic bread was SO good. It was crispy and flarvorful and really yummy!!! Everyone (excpet me) was totally stuffed when the waitress came around to ask if we wanted desert. I got the Inside Out Molten Chocolate Cake (or something like that). It was almost like a brownie and had that fudgy topping that most people would associate with brownies (you know what I mean?). They served it with a scoop of ice cream and just about drowned it in a strawberry sauce thing. worked really well. They served us really fast too! I got my cake about 2 minutes after I ordered it, and it was nice and hot. I was really impressed with all of it. (....well....that sounded vaguely like a really badly done restaurant review)
Mama asked if I wanted to go up north with her to her sister's funeral. I said yes. So I cancelled my plans for tomorrow and I'll be spending my birthday driving. I need to bring a lot of homework. But I'll get to see a lot of my extended family. I'm kind of disappointed that I won't get to play my new Sims game until Tuesday or Wednesday.
BUT I'm going to go install it right now, so I'm out!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sorry About....

....taking so long for a Mormal post. I promise that once I get pictures, I will write the post!

I'm trying to remember everything I've done since Friday...

We'll skip Saturday and go straight to Sunday night. Sunday night was a Fireside. It was TriStake so I got to hang out with Brandon and Jesse the entire time. I managed to bring up the whole "Is it a date?" thing without him noticing and I feel very relieved! We're on the same page. It's not a date. Jesse isn't dating until after his mission. Go him!! Also made plans with Brandon to go to Olive Garden on Tuesday as a b-day present. I am VERY excited.

On Monday, I worked really hard to finish up all of my homework seeing as it was due the next day. I actually had very little left to do. I'm proud of myself. We went to the Dehaven's house for dinner. Shelly gave me the Sims 3. I am SO excited about playing it on Friday!!

On Monday, in the morning, I went with Sarah and James to the park. Cady was cute! And she screamed at me when I tried to take her out of the swing. Then I walked along the water with her and kept her from going swimming. The cutest part happened when Sarah and James were driving me home. I had been talking to Megan, but then I got distracted by my thoughts, so I ended up just sort of staring into space in her general direction. That's about when Cady reached her hand over to tap Megan on the arm and say, "Hi," with a big smile on her face. Megan just grinned like nothing could ever beat her sister talking to her. They just sort of smiled at each other for like two or three seconds before Cady got distracted by something else.

Tuesday was school and lunch time was wonderful. Not because it was lunch time, but because there was this cute Australian guy who talked for a while. I sat and stared and smiled. It was kind of strange....I went over to talk to him (so that I could hear him talk with that super sexy accent) and I somehow ended up with a brochure that was really heavy....and I didn't even really want it....and I don't remember taking it... Why is it that an accent can make a guy go from "eh" to "OMFG!! HAWT!!!"?

Today was Morgan's birthday. I baked her a cake last night and gave it to her at seminary this morning. I also got like ten people to come with me and sing "Happy Birthday" to her. I was worried about how the cake would taste, but apparently it was pretty good. Which made me happy.

Went with Sarah to Barns & Nobles today. I walked around with Megan (well, I actually carried her over to the manga section and read while holding her (which was difficult because she wouldn't let me sit down)) while Cady and Sarrae were at the reading time. Then we went to Chick-Fil-a for lunch. Cady had some fun in the play area.

I know there was something I wanted to blog about but once again...I can't remember what it was...

I have a ten-page research paper to write on Mark Twain. And I have to read Innocents Abroad. This is in addition to all my regular class work. I need to check out books on him, and fill out note cards, and write three different outlines and rough drafts, and write a a lot a lot.... I'm not looking forward to it very much. I need to buy note cards (three different colors (I want 4)) and pay off my library debt....and buy a library card....*sigh*

I finished the Book of Mormon this morning!! It's my fifth time (I think).

Well, I have homework to do! I want to get as far ahead as possible so that I have more time for my paper. But real quick, birthday plans:
3/26 - dinner with Jesse and his parents at Carrow's
(possibly: celebrations in seminary and in Chemistry)
3/27 - MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm gonna spend all day with Lisa. I need to figure out when though...
3/30 - Hang with Brandon. Olive Garden and (maybe) a movie
4/3 or 4 - Family birthday dinner. Pancit and Lumpia! Cha!

Oh, and random Tagalog words:
mas nakakabatang kapatid na babae - Little Sister
Kuya - Older Brother (....bit of a difference)
Pomangkin - Niece/Nephew
Pomangkin na babae - Niece

Friday, March 19, 2010

Jobs, Jordan, and Jukeboxes

So the interview went well. There might be a small issue finding 20 hours for me to work each week. BUT if I do 1-5 on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 3-5 on Tuesday, and 8-10; 1-5 on Friday, I can get the 20. My Chemistry teacher is also considering letting me out of some of the Friday classes. Then I can work 8-5 on Fridays. Which will give me 23 hours.

I really want this job! I'm always hearing about what the finances are like here, and I want to help out! Mama will probably be a pain-in-the-butt about it, but I don't care. I'll pay for gas. She can't argue with that since I'll be making them use a lot of it. I mean, I wouldn't be paying for all of it, but any that I use. Which I calculated that if they drive me to and from work every day, it'll be about $10 or $12 a week. So $40 to $50 dollars a month. Which (at minimum wage) is about 6 or 7 hours of work. Which is a Friday's worth of work. I've been thinking about this a lot. Obviously.

Today is Jordan's birthday, so I called to say "Happy birthday!" and whatnot. I really wish that I hadn't. He said some things that brought back memories of when we used to talk everyday and it made me miss him so much. I almost started crying after we hung up (the call was like 1 minute long). Then I almost started crying when I mentioned the call to Lisa. And I'm almost crying while I write this. It definitely wasn't a good idea to call. Now I want to go somewhere to forget about him, but we don't have any gas so....I'm stuck here.

Just looked through the pictures of Lynne. And she is ADORABLE!!!!

I dressed like a pirate today. No bandanna, no pirate jacket, no eye-patch, no hat. But I looked rather piratey anyways. I thought it was wonderful.

Okay, I'm done for now. I'm out!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Everything Except Mormal

There were so many things I wanted to blog about last week, but I never got the chance to. So I forgot a lot of them. I'll try and remember them now.

First, we're going back to my Daddy Date Day. I forgot to mention something very important: the cute guy in the gardening section at Walmart. He kinda smiled a shy "hey, what's up. you're kinda cute" smile. So I kinda smiled a "hey, what's up. you're kind cute, too" smile back. Of course, I may have been totally mistranslating that smile, but.....I have hope. Because he was really really cute.

Now on to Monday! Let's see...went to Sarah's. Went to Cady's photo shoot. Megan was happy the entire time, but Cadence was NOT. Don't really remember much else from that day except that I'm forgetting something.

Tuesday was school. I realized that the group I hang out with during Study Hall isn't who I want to be hanging out with, but I don't know anyone else. What am I supposed to do? Eh, I'll figure it out. That night there was a concert at my old middle school. My old high school and my old middle school were playing a concert together. GO ORCHESTRA!!!! And the band was good too. I guess.

Wednesday was mutual. I don't remember what it was. Oh, that's because I didn't go, haha. It was the skating party. I went over to Tasha's house instead. We hung out and celebrated Chaz's birthday. He's so CUTE!!! He got me to play Chutes & Ladders with him on the computer. I just couldn't win!! I kept getting the same chute over and over and over again. I was like "Grrr!" For dinner, they had mac & cheese and hotdogs. I had already eaten at my house, and guess what we had had? Mac & cheese and hotdogs! Very amusing. Watching Chaz open his presents was great. He got a Pez dispenser and nothing else interested him for the rest of the night except for his candy.

My Spanish teacher canceled class on Thursday. So I skipped seminary and slept it. Spent all day at home. Don't really remember doing much. By this time, my dress was pretty much done. Except for the collar. Mama works so well!! Then I went to the show. Pretty routine. Ran box office, sat backstage and talked to Nikki. Flirted with Mauricio. All that fun stuff.

Friday was.....frustrating. Went to school, it was whatever. Then I got home, did homework, ate dinner. That was fine. About 5:30 I look for someone to give me a ride to school. No car. I'm fine. Mama had it, so I called her. No answer. I leave a message. About 5:45 I call again. No answer. I call a few other people. No luck. I send an email to Daddy. No luck. So I sat in the living room calling Mama and getting her voicemail, and then calling Daddy and getting the busy tone. Just call, hang up, call, hang up, call, hang up with no rest. About 6:25 Mama calls back "I'm on my way." By this time I'd already been called twice by someone from school. I had broken down in tears because I was so frustrated. And when Mama picks me up, does she go the fast way and take the freeway? No! She takes the slow way with all the lights! I was SO frustrated with her! Nikki had to calm me down because I was about to break down crying again. I ended up sitting in the audience that show. Not an experience I want to repeat. I prefer the backstage life. Although, I did get to stare at the back of a certain someone's head because he had come to see Cody perform. It was almost worth it.

Saturday was so hectic!! I showered, bought last minute things, picked up the boutonniere, made dinner, got dressed, couldn't figure out how to do my hair, did my make up, went to Mormal, and sometime during that went to Tevin's party. Tevin's party was great! I got there about an hour late and only stayed for an hour. It was within walking distance, luckily. When I came, there was a bean bag fight going on. The California version of a snowball fight, haha. Then we sat around eating pizza and talking for a while. The next part was the most fun: Twister!! We had a mini-tournament. I lost because someone fell on me. I think it was Autumn. Of course, me being me, I didn't go for the easy circles, I grabbed random ones that made my position much more difficult. I mean, that's what makes it fun. Although I was kind of upset that I lost so early on. But I got to play another round and I was one of the last two in. So it was all good. After that, we were about to go in and play Pin the Afro on Tevin, but instead we did a soul train line. It was okay, not the best soul train line, but we had fun. That's when I had to go. And it's a good thing I did because I (with the help of Steve and Daddy) barely finished dinner in time!

Now about the'll have to wait until my Mormal post for that! Hahahahaha!! And you have to wait until I get Mormal pictures for my Mormal post!!

BYD on Sunday was great. We talked abut dating and what exactly a date is. I believe the definition that we came up with was: two people of opposite genders getting together because they are romantically interested in the other person and want to get to know them better. Of course, at this stage in life it is required that these dates be double or group dates. So....if it's only one guy and one girl going to get something to eat just for the sake of getting something to eat (and because it's her birthday and that's her present), that not a date.

On Monday, I went to Sarrae's (Sarah + Rae = Sarrae). Hung out...wasn't very helpful...I really do need to find something that I can do for her besides just kinda babysit. Got home, did some homework, went to bed.

Tuesday was school. I had a rough draft due that I knew we would grade in class if I didn't finish it, but if I did finish it, we would grade it at home. Which is what happened. I finished the essay and we didn't have time for it in class. I've got some History stuff and some Chemistry stuff that's kind of late. I'm turning it in on...tomorrow. Nothing big, so I'm not worried. I was looking through the classifieds and I saw that a cafe near my school was hiring. I thought, "hmm, I should check it out." So I had Steve pick me up and drive me over there. We drove past and there were about ten ladies in their 20s and 30s sitting outside. I was like O.O! and we left. I was a little disappointed. At 5-ish, Daddy took me to the 99¢ Store. I got three picture frames (one for each of my Mormal 5x7s and one for Chad's), two ties (one for me and one for Seth), a thing of bobby pins, and a thing of hair ties.

Today has barely started. But I look really cute today. I'm wearing black pants, black tennies, a black tank, a black button-up (only bottom two buttons buttoned), black eyeliner (not super thick, but done like eyeliner should be done: thin), and a pink plaid tie. It has a vaguely school girl feel to it. I love this outfit. It is my new favorite. Oh, and my hair looks good. I blow-dried it straight yesterday and after sleeping on it last night, it has a kind of a tamed bed-head look. I also tried on one of those fabric hairband thingys that I bought for Mormal. I used the pink one and it looked great!! But it kept slipping off, so I'm only putting it on when I go out in public. My original idea was to go all black with just a splash of color. And it works.

Oh, and I also wrapped my green hairband around my wrist for St. Patty's day. Happy birthday Bro. Hansen and Mathew I.!!!

Last thing: I asked Bro. Hansen if he was hiring, and he said yes. I asked if he hired under 18 (age) and he said maybe. So tomorrow I'm going to take my resume and go see him at work. Wish me luck!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


My last post was on Tuesday. So we'll start with Wednesday!

Actually....we'll start with something else. My camera. My poor, abused digital camera. My poor, abused, currently broken digital camera. I don't remember exactly when it happened....Yes, I do. It was on Friday...last Friday (in February, not March). I let Cady play with my camera and whatnot. She's banged it and dropped it before, and nothing bad has happened. This time, however, we were in the bathroom. I had just told Sarah that "Cady can't do anything to it unless she drops it in the toilet or something." And guess what she did. Ha! You're wrong! She didn't drop it in the toilet! She dropped it lens down on the floor and jammed the lens. Daddy's gonna try to fix it. But until new pictures.

Okay, so Wednesday. Wednesday had some good and some bad. First, I got to see Nicole!! I was SO happy! I hadn't seen her since....December or so. She's one of my besties and I alt+3 her! It was really great. And then I got to see her on Thursday and Friday too! Happy me!

But the bad part....on Wednesday one of my friends told me that she wasn't allowed to talk to me anymore. Apparently I'm a bad influence or something. Now, a month ago I would have just laughed it off and been like "Haha, I'm a bad influence! Go me!" or something. But now... it really bothers me. I think what bothers me the most is that this came right after I decided to make all these changes in my life. I'm finally really changing....and then that was pretty depressing.

So, Thursday. Let's see here....School....then home....then I went shopping with Bev for her Mormal outfit. She got a black skirt and a really pretty blue-green top. It looked great on her! Only problem was....her icky boyfriend came with us and she spent most of the time hanging on him and talking to him and kissing him and whatnot. Which was really annoying. And so that night, I apologized to all of my Drama buddies about how I had acted with Jordan around them. I hadn't realized just how annoying it was.... With my next boyfriend (which won't be for a while), it's definitely minimal PDA. Holding hands, hugs, quick kisses and that's it! And only very occasionally.

Thursday night was my old school's opening night for the play the Drama Club is doing. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be that great because I had just seen them rehearsing it on Monday. And on wasn't the greatest. But....OH MY FLYING FLIPPER SAUSAGE MONKEY!!! It was AMAZING!!! Everyone who knows me should know what school I'm referring to. So, if you can go, you totally should. It was great! $5 admission, show starts at 7 pm.

And also on Thursday, I got to talk to Nicole a whole bunch. Same thing on Friday. We both sat backstage during the show and talked a lot. We watched the play too and made a lot of comments on it. But we mostly talked about Nicole and me.

On Friday, I went to school. Took the EAP essay for English. I had to write about some guy's quote and whether or not I agreed with it and why. It sucked. I hate essays like that. I hope I did well. Then I went out and waited for the bus. And it took 40 or 50 minutes for the bus to get there. And traffic was bad, so it took forever to get to the transit center. Then I had to wait 15 minutes for my next bus. And traffic was bad. And we stopped at every single hot mustard jelly bean stop. And it was really really really annoying. I wanted to shoot someone.

Then I got to go to the movies with Lisa!! We went to see Alice in Wonderland. I liked it, Lisa was disappointed. Then I went to the second night of my old school's play.

Only two more nights left!! Next Thursday and Friday. And then that's it!! It's very sad.

Saturday was mine and Daddy's date day. He picked me up at 11 and we went shopping. Our menu for the night was ribs, potato salad, corn on the cob, and funnel cake! The ribs were SO good! The meat fell right off of the bone and the we had good barbecue sauce and we had two racks of it and there's half a rack still sitting in my fridge and I can't eat it cause I'm fasting and it's driving me crazy!!! The funnel cake was a bit of a trial and error thing. I'm pretty sure we figured out how to do it right. Thicker batter and hotter oil. We watched some basketball at the church and then two movies at Daddy's house. And we took Brin for a walk!! She was so funny! I'm kind of upset that the ducks were so skittish, but what can you do?

At Daddy's house we've made....french onion soup, Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches, chicken cordon bleu, and ribs. Good good stuff. And thinking about it isn't helping my fast. GRR!!!

Okay, so I kind of like the guy playing Willard. I mean, I'm not going to try to get at that or anything. I just enjoy being around him and talking to him. And he gives really good hugs. He's also two years younger than me. Now, I don't normally like younger guys. Well, noticeably younger guys (i.e. - different grade). But the guys in the Drama Club....idk, I keep liking the younger guys from the club. *sigh* Whatever. Nicole calls me a cougar and I'm just like "whatever."

Okay, I'm out!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Weekend

Well now...where to start. Well, how about where I left off. That would bring me to....Friday.

Okay, Friday was the day that I picked out my glasses! I went in for an appointment at wondermous Costco. Apparently my eyes are a little bit worse than a year and a half ago. Or maybe just one of my eyes is. Anywho! I picked out frames all by myself (so if they look bad on me, I blame Sarah and Erin for not being there) and I LOVE them. I'm just worried that they might be too wide. They are thick-rimmed black rectangular glasses. Well, maybe you should remove the "-ular" from that description. These glasses don't have those rounded edges that most frames have; these are rectangles. And they're really narrow. I mean, from what I remember, the frames don't narrow at all from the eye part to the ear part thing (like ==== instead of -==-, y'know?). I'm sorry that I can't describe it right. I was trying to find a picture online, but it's not working. I don't even know what brand/designer/whatever they are. Maybe if I could find the receipt....oh, well, it's somewhere. Eventually I'll get get a pic of them on.

Saturday had two events. First was Tech Day for my old Drama Club. I was there because Tevy-baby needed help with lights and I am the resident expert. And also because it was something to do. It was fun, but I had to leave before the actors' run through because I had to get ready for the hockey game.

(random change to Valley Girl style!! read it really, really fast. Like speed-talking) So, a few days before the game, Lisa calls me up and says "I've got tickets for the game this weekend, do you want to go?" I'm like, "Hecks of yes!! I love hockey!" So she's like, "Okay, call Maria and see if she wants to go, too." So I call Maria and I'm all like, "Wanna go to the game?" And she's like "No, Jesse says he's coming into town this weekend." I'm kind of like "grrr!" but all I say is "fine." Then I call Lisa back and tell her that Maria said no and Lisa's all like "grrr!" and then she was all like "Well, who else can go?" And so we start naming names and calling a few people but no one can go, right? So she's all like "well, what about that guy you're taking to Mormal?" and so I'm like "Jesse? Yeah, I guess I can ask him." So I call and his sister picks up and I'm all like "Is Jesse home?" and she's all like "no" and so I'm like "well is he doing anything this Saturday?" and she's all like "I dunno, lemme ask." So she asks her mom and then she's all like "No, he's not doing anything" and so I was like "Well can you tell him that I've got tickets for the hockey game this Saturday and see if he wants to go?" and she was like "yeah, sure." So he called later and was all like "Yeah, I'll go," which I knew he would say. Heck I'd even already told Lisa that he was going. So anyway, then we went.

(back to normal) So we got there and met up with Lisa. Then we went in without her because she had to sit with the band (which is where me and Jesse moved to after they got there). Our home team won! By two points, and there was a pretty good fight, too. But, rewinding a bit, we (Lisa, Jesse, and me (oh, and Chad too, I guess)) hung out. Lisa sent me to buy a pretzel for her and told me to get something for myself. I got ice cream. And it was SOOOOOOO gooooood. I shared with....ummm....everyone? Haha, nah. I shared with Lisa, Jesse, and Kiersten. They all agreed that it was really good ice cream. And then, after the second period, they were launching shirts from those shirt launcher things (♫ real men of genius! ♫), and one flew straight into my lap! I mean, I didn't even need or reach for it, or fight anyone for it, it was just there. I was talking to Jesse and then he pointed up and said "hey, look" and there was the shirt flying for my face. It was a pretty lame shirt, but I was all like "Dude!!! This is the first time I ever won something at a game!!" It was pretty exciting. When we dropped Jesse off, I gave him the shirt. I didn't really want it. I didn't tell him that, I just threw it at him when he got out of the cat. It would have been mean to tell him I gave it to him because I didn't want it, right? I mean, "I don't want this. You can have it." IDK, it seems almost rude to me. (Jesse, if you're reading this....umm...I adore you? haha)

Yeah...but the game....there were ads for like 4 concerts...and I want to go to all of them and mentioned it to Jesse. Like the ad would come up and I'd be "Oooo! I want to go see that!" And...umm...then Jesse was all like "Well, which one do you want to go to the most?" And I was like "I don't know." I ended up narrowing it down to two. Then after the game he started asking about how much tickets to the concerts would cost. And I was like (in my head) "oh, crap...I hope he isn't planning on asking me on a date. I mean, maybe if we went as friends it'd be cool.... I've gone places with Brandon as friends....." But I'm still worried....I mean, I don't know what Jesse is thinking when he asks me about concerts or tells me that he's going to take me for dinner at Sizzler as a way of saying thank you for taking him to the game (and as a b-day present too). I don't want to date Jesse. I don't want to go on dates with Jesse. I don't mind going places with him as friends. But....he told me a while ago that he wasn't going to date until after his mission and I have a lot of respect for him because of that. If he changed that decisions....I'd be really disappointed.

Sunday was Stake Conference. I remember right after Pres. Larsen's talk, I was all like "Wow..." but I can't remember what it was about. I just remember that I was staring at him in awe. I really need to ask someone about that....

Then I got home and wrote to Seth. I told him about all the changes I've made and about my Mormal dress. Then I sort of just....spilled out some of my emotions and some of the stuff that I've been struggling with. I know that you're not supposed to write to the missionaries about the bad stuff that's happening or negative emotions or stuff because it can be distracting and whatnot, but I also knew that he'd be able to help me with it. And he did. He said exactly what I needed to hear. I feel better now. A lot better. It helps having a missionary for a brother. And I'm not as worried about the future because I know that if I need some advice (that I don't want to talk to Mama about) that Seth will be there for me, and he'll have some of the experience that he needs to help me with it.

Speaking of missionaries, I don't think anyone realizes just how young missionaries are until they have a son (or brother) who leaves for one. I mean, I still can't think of Seth as old enough for a mission. I mean I know that he is (he'll be 21 in 3 months and 5 days!), but it just doesn't feel like he is, y'know? It feels so weird sometimes to look at the elders and think "They're the same age as Seth. Maybe younger." It's really weird thinking that about Elder Whimpy....

Anywho, Steve is yelling at me to get off, so I'm out!

About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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