I just spent a few days with one of my best friends. She leaves for the MTC in 9 days. When I was saying goodbye, I realized that I was going to see her next year. Thanksgiving of next year is the next time I'll see her. It's not that long at all, especially since we usually go a year in between visits anyway. The thing was...I was still SO upset about saying goodbye. It took be a while to figure out why, but I finally did.
I just said goodbye to my Childhood Emily. When she comes back, she will be a different person. Emily as I know her is gone. The next time I see her, she'll be Adult Emily. It's just another door shutting. My childhood is slowly but surely becoming my past. It's another sign that I' growing up. :/ This growing up nonsense is annoying.
"Last" day of Summer
8 years ago
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