
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sending Off a Missionary

I just spent a few days with one of my best friends. She leaves for the MTC in 9 days. When I was saying goodbye, I realized that I was going to see her next year. Thanksgiving of next year is the next time I'll see her. It's not that long at all, especially since we usually go a year in between visits anyway. The thing was...I was still SO upset about saying goodbye. It took be a while to figure out why, but I finally did.

I just said goodbye to my Childhood Emily. When she comes back, she will be a different person. Emily as I know her is gone. The next time I see her, she'll be Adult Emily. It's just another door shutting. My childhood is slowly but surely becoming my past. It's another sign that I' growing up. :/ This growing up nonsense is annoying.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Now I'm 20

I am 20. I'm the youngest of my siblings, and I'm no longer a teen. It's weird to consider. I am getting old. I've completed two full decades her on Earth. Although, I suppose it's not weird as the fact that my parents are almost 50 and my oldest sister is almost 30. Ok, those are weirder thoughts. I can understand me getting older, but not them. To me, my siblings will always be in their 20s and my parents will always be in their 40s. Until I get a bit older at least.

So, what did I do for my birthday? I went to Venice Beach and Hollywood. I went to dinner. I went to the movies. I spent time with people I love who love me back. That's how I want to spend the rest of my birthdays. It's my favorite part of having a birthday. Also, the attention (which is why I wore a tiara on my birthday).

Birthdays always get me thinking of how I'll celebrate my children's birthdays (won't have any anytime soon. I don't even have a possible father at the moment, so none of you need worry (Daddy)). I think I want to not just celebrate their birthDAY but their full birthday week. I want them to have a full week of attention and an overdone outpouring of love. Birthdays are special. I've never understood people who don't agree. I think birthdays are right up there with religious holidays. So in my house, birthdays will be just as big a deal. In fact, I'll probably celebrate Christmas as Christ's birthday week. I want it to be a big deal. No chores, dates with mom and dad, favorite meals all week, desserts all week. Now the dates and meals may be limited at times due to finances, but that's what I would love to do.

So...basically...I love birthdays. I think they're incredibly special. Everyone deserves and amazing birthday every single year.

So, what else is going on in my life? Well, I'm job hunting. Ok, I'm about to start job hunting. Soon. I'm single and wanting to stay that way. I'm almost done with this semester at school. I'm spending a ton of time with my friends. I'm really focusing on getting to know myself right now. I'm a very interesting person, you know. I'm doing a lot of writing.

I love writing! Fiction and poems. Occasionally, I'll write an opinion essay. I adore short stories. I love telling a story where the reader has to understand something I didn't say straight out. I think that's what really makes a great story writer. Getting the reader to understand something about a character through their thought process instead of saying it straight out. That's what I like to write.

I have a full length play in the works. The whole plot is worked out in my head (which is highly unusual for me). I have two scenes down on paper. I just need to get the rest of it down. I think it's going to me amazing, mainly because I am amazing.   : )

Another thing I've been doing lately is cooking. I've been making soups, which is pretty normal for me, but I recently graduated to making some pastas. I did this super simple one where I browned some hamburger with a couple cubes of beef bouillon and a tidge of water, added some cooked pasta, frozen veggies, and butter, then just heated it through. It was pretty amazing actually.

So, that's me. That's my life. I love you all (I'm assuming that only my family reads this, lol.)

About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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