
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Birthday (so far)

Despite Beverlee's objection, I am claiming yesterday, today, and tomorrow as my birthday. I can do that because my birthday is on a Sunday.

So my birthday started yesterday. I spent Friday night at my sister's house with Beverlee. Sarah and her hubby went out of town and I babysat. I LOVE my nieces! Sarah gets to see them everyday and so their new tricks come kinda slowly for her, but I always get a crash course in Niece Developments. Megan's new words are so cute, especially her "Nooooooo!" *happy sigh* I love my nieces...

Anyway! Bev and I stayed up late watching movies and getting on facebook. Then we fell asleep. In the morning, I made breakfast and cuddled with the little Stinker while the big Stinker ran around having fun. Chilled with Bev and my nieces until about 12, hen my sister took me home. At about 2, Steve drove Bev and me to the mall. We wandered around until like 3, at which point we (plus David, Tasha, and Lisa) went into the theatre to see Tangled. It was my third time seeing it, and I cried...again... Mauricio showed up late, but he got there. After the movie everyone left except me, Bev, and Mauricio. We wandered around the mall and talked until like 8:30. And Mauricio flirted with both Bev and me the entire time. He's a major flirt.

Then I came home and ate and went to bed.

This morning I woke up 3 times. Once at 4:55 am (which means that I had been 18 for an hour). I read 3 texts and listened to a voice mail. Then I fell asleep and woke up about 6. I read a few more texts and went to sleep. Then I woke up at 7:30 and stayed in bed reading texts and Ozma of Oz for an hour and a half while I waited for my family to serenade me...which they didn't. Instead Mama got me up to talk to Grandie who had just called. Oh well.

Now I need to get ready for church. Another birthday post will be coming sometime in the next day or two.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Party Month

So this month has been one great weekend after another. I don't remember the first weekend...but the second one was Mormal, which I blogged about (I did do that, right??). This weekend I had a party at Lizzie's and then there was supposed to be a dance, but that got canceled so I went to the mall. The mall was fun because the guy who gave us a ride is someone who I enjoy flirting with. (He's also like 3 years older than me and a nonmember so it'll be kept to just flirting) Next weekend is my birthday. I'm still trying to figure out what to do for that...I'm thinking maybe facebooking my plans to go to a movie and then inviting everyone who I have on facebook and everyone I talk to at school to all come and watch it with me...and maybe having a sleepover...except I have no money to buy snacks with...oh, well! I'll figure something out!

So...I have realized that I have not posted about Mormal, only the plans I had for my party. Quick summary: not everyone came to the party, but everyone made it to Mormal. And it was GREAT!! I was just kinda disappointed that I didn't get more than one slow dance with Jesse... :(

Pictures to follow...but I don't know when...

Saturday, March 19, 2011


So I've gone through quite a bit of career choices in the past few years. Mentally of course, seeing as how I've only had one job my entire life...not counting babysitting and some house cleaning. The most recent decision (and I'm thinking I probably will finally stick with this one) is that I'm going to get a degree in Creative Writing. That way I can write at home or get my teaching credentials and teach an English class somewhere.

So in order to get said degree, I'm going to start by getting my general education done at BC. I've already taken the first steps for that particular goal. I took the assessment test today. I rocked all the tests. I blazed through them and got near perfect scores. Except for trig...I did really bad on that...but I still got level 6s for everything (that's the highest). I'm debating whether I should take a summer class or get a job...or both...or something...*sigh* I'll decide later.

Oh, speaking of jobs...anyone know any that I could get? I'd prefer one in town but if there's a summer camp out of town....I'd consider that...

Anyway, no local colleges have a creative writing class, so I'll have to go somewhere like Long Beach, San Bernardino, or Northridge. I want to stay in California and keep it kinda cheap, so these are my 3 top choices to transfer to from the BC. The main problem is that the programs want you to choose between poetry and prose. I want both. And scriptwriting. But the colleges with scriptwriting are almost 10x as expensive, so I'll stick with just creative writing for now. Maybe I'll get in a degree in poetry and fiction prose...

I've realized that it would be a sin for someone as intelligent as me not to get multiple degrees. So next time I start whining and complaining at school, just remind me that I said this.

Ok, so I bet some people are wondering why I changed from Nursing to Creative Writing. It's actually a fairly simple explanation: I hate science, but I enjoy writing. It took me a while to realize this because I HATE English classes. Except when we're doing poetry or writing stories...and I realized how much I like writing scripts after I signed up for the Scriptwriting competition for Spotlight Festival. I enjoy writing. It's still no what you might call a passion, but I really enjoy it.

So what is my passion? It took me pretty long to figure that one out to. And then I realized that I'd known all along. My passion is babies!! I want to get married and have babies because I love babies! I wouldn't mind being a foster mom either. And do lots of charity work and stuff. I like helping people...

And I think that's all I have to say about college...

Also, my birthday is coming up soon!! Buy me presents! I love presents! works too...I like money too....

Sunday, March 13, 2011


This is....addicting...

Mormal post tomorrow or the next day.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

For Grandy

Once again, someone has gotten on my case about blogging, so I figured I'd do it. :)

Let's see....I know! I'll tell you about my Stupendous Singles Spa Soiree! (I like alliteration...)

Mormal is next week. To celebrate, I am having a spa night for those girls that I know that are going without a date. We are going to do manis and pedis and facials on Friday night. And we'll experiment with some fun hair ideas so that we know for sure how each girl is going to do her hair the next day. And we're going to watch Disney movies and dance to music to get us pumped. :)

I was originally going to be all fancy and do smoothies and a veggie tray...but then I decided to be cheap and go with chips and soda. ...maybe I'll do chips and fruit juice. That's half healthy...

Anyway, blueberry muffins in the morning. Sleepover soup for lunch. Then....getting ready. About 6-ish, Jesse is going to show up. He'll be in his tux and will escort us all to dinner and then the dance. And he even hinted at a surprise for all us girls... XD

Then we will dance until we collapse. And then come back to my house. People will get rides home and I will go to sleep. Then I will wake up the next day and put all my accessories and my dress back on and go to church.

:) Sounds like a good plan to me. :)

Also, I love you, Grandy.

About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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