
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I hate titles....

Daddy bought me Xena. Because he loves me that much. And...well, it's the second half of my birthday present. Which is in 4 weeks and 6 days. The first half of my birthday present should be arriving about then. I'll post pictures of that when it gets here.

Seth is home. :) The only thing that's different is that he always on the computer or video games, so it's difficult for me to find time to use the computer/tv.

Also, speaking of Xena...I have watched 20 of 24 episodes. I love this show so much...mostly because of how super hot Ares is. I had to wait until episode 6 for him to finally show up. And then he doesn't make another appearance until episode 20. :/ Maybe he shows up more in season 2? Anyone want to help me with that particular vein of research??? BY buying me the second season?? I would love you lots!! (looks like Joxer shows up more often than Ares...dang it...)

Ok, so let me say this: while buying me stuff will make me love you more, it is only a temporary increase in love. I like stuff, but it's not what really matters to me...despite what some people think...I just like having people buy me stuff because I can't do it for myself. I also enjoy buying other people stuff. So it's like some kind of weird mixture of greed and generosity...or something...I guess...

I wasted a lot of time a couple of weeks ago ripping all of my CDs to the computer. I now have a lot of songs. And I want more. I always want more (that's the greedy part of me. XD )

Well....that's all...

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I could NOT get to sleep Wednesday night because I was too stinking excited. So I was expecting to be really tired in the morning, but I wasn't. I was WAY hyper.

Got started on my hair first thing. Put it up in curlers right off the bat. Walked to school with two bags STUFFED with...stuff...but I managed to get it down to one in time to get on the bus.

Getting everything on the bus was HARD!!! There were like 6 tables and 30 chairs and textbooks. ...and then there was the eraser crisis...and the water bottle (Can I put my lips on that? "That's what she said" XD ).

We got there late, but it was ok because standing around playing Gigolo and Do It with your friends is a lot of fun. Oh, and taking random pictures. XD

We got inside, and the scenes began. I only got to watch four. I watched BHS's, which I LOVED (I mean, it's BHS, of course it was awesome!). Then there was the classroom one...and the Giving Tree one (which almost made me cry) and the black guy murderer one. I didn't get to see the other ones because I was either backstage or in the lobby. Oh, well. :D

Went to lunch with a bunch of Highlanders...and a few BHS kids...namely Brock, whom we all love. :) The food was pretty alright. The ravioli was freaking amazing!!

Then I hung out in the lobby and listened to the Tech Competition feedback. That guy talked and talked and talked and talked. And Lizzy's was SO the best. And Kim's was totally second. ...but Sweeney Todd guy was SO hot. Sunflower should have won SOMETHING. She had the best set design there. But apparently, set and costume are both the same competition, which is ridiculous because they're totally different things. Just silly.

Because I was out in the lobby, I missed the first 3 performance of student written scripts. But I came in for the last one...which was mine. O.O It was amazing. I listened to the audience react exactly the way I wanted them to. Their gasps were so amazing. And everyone hated the wife!! Just like they were supposed to!! And, just so everyone knows, I did NOT cry. Almost, but not quite. It was rather overwhelming though...and some random West chick behind me complimented me on it.

Then it was time to go home (after awards). First they sent us a bus with NO storage. Then they sent us a book with insufficient storage. Then they (finally) sent us the bus that we'd gone in that morning. The ride home was fun.

I didn't have a ride I just stayed at school. Hung out with Cody, Evan, Hana, Yuliya, and Cristian. SO much fun!! I freaking love you guys. Ate fries, drank root beer, sang songs ("And now it's Saturday")....wonderful end to a marvelous day...

Oh, and then the soccer game...but that has nothing to do with Drama.

About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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