
My sexy hat and my daddy's laptop.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I want to go....

So...two weeks...well, let's just summarize.

Worked and hung out with Cameron. Oh, and went to the movies with Lisa (TOY STORY 3!!! Loved it so much!!) and to the mall with Jesse and Brandon.

Cameron is officially gone. For two months. He's working at Boy Scouts Camp for the summer. When he comes back, I'll give him his birthday present...I just need to buy it. Can't tell you what it is....just in case he reads this before he gets it.

Went mini-golfing/ice cream/mall wandering/Walmart with him, Kenny, and Deveney on the twelfth. He hung at my house most of this week. 2 days. Went to a party at his house on Thursday. Half of the people there left early because they is lame buttheads, so we went to the movies. Me, Cameron, Kenny and Reggie. I like Kenny's sense of humor. He's easy to laugh with.

Oh, and for some reason (prob because of his dad's job...) Cameron owns two pairs of handcuffs. So Kenny wore one pair to the movies. He kept handcuffing himself to random things in the car (like the steering wheel...and me...). It was fun walking into the movies with a handcuffed Mexican (XP). Watched the was a late showing so we were kind of one seemed to care. Then I got dropped off at Sarah's.

Helped Sarah out with the babies while she did laundry. Went home, got ready for work, said bye to Cameron :'( and ran to catch the bus. Worked, went to movies with Lisa, came home, went to sleep, work up the next morning feeling AWFUL.

Despite feeling like I could die any second from pure miserableness, I got dressed and went to take the proficiency exam. This involved a lot of walking and a whole lot of thinking. Luckily, the test is fairly easy.....okay, so it was piece of cake. The essay topic sucked though. lol, don't it always?

Came home, went to the mall, went to dance, came home and crashed so hard. Woke up feeling marginally better, but not good enough to go to church. So I'm at home updating my blog instead of going to church. T_T

Monday, June 7, 2010

Where, oh, where has time gone?

So....went to LA on Friday. It all started that morning at work when Sheri asked me if I liked baseball...and then offered me Dodger tickets. So I called up Daddy and we went. I must say...riding on the back of a motorcycle for 2 hours is not comfortable....luckily we got to stop a few times...

Got there, looked at the official merchandise, saw the prices, and then left the gift shop. Then we went into the field area place. Left field pavilion, baby! Pretty close to the actual game, but can't see the Dodger vision screen thingy. Oh well. The game was great. The Braves fans got booed every time they walked around, two fights broke out where we could see them, the guys in the row behind us got kicked out, and the Dodgers won. Go, Dodgers!! Then we went home...well, tried to. Tooke forever to get out of the parking lot. The ride back was even worse than the ride there. Got home at 1-ish and totally crashed.

Woke up Saturday, brushed my hair, and discovered that two of my exes had invaded my house. Now, Robert I didn't mind. I'm just whatever about him (okay, so I still kind of like him...but it's not like seeing him makes me act weird). HOWEVER!! Jordan was with him. That was NOT pleasant in the least!! So, instead of going to my room and crying (like I normally would have done), I called up Cameron and got him to get me the heck out of there. Luckily Mama was very understanding and let me go. Kenny went with us. We hung at the mall for like 3 hours. Lots of fun. AND I didn't cry!! XD

Then went to Chris's party. He's a guy from my school. Ate, talked, mostly hung with Paige, Al, Ben, and Joe. Stupid Ben dumped lemonade on my pants.... But was a lot of fun, I thoroughly enjoyed myself...and it was also a distraction...which I was very grateful for.

On Sunday, I went to my ward for the first two hours and then to College Heights for their sacrament. Lisa's baby was getting blessed. I ended up talking to Ashlynn about...just whatver, y'know? It was a lot of fun. I say that a lot, don't I?'s the best way to describe these things. "a lot of fun"...because it was....

So, last Sunday, my beautiful niece and sister showed up with my handsome nephew! ...oh, and Jeff (lol, jk, love you too!!) Lynne is absolutely adorable!! I love hearing her say my name (which happened like...twice). Actually, I just love hearing her talk. I can't wait until Cady starts doing the same!! Spent a bunch of time with them. It was marvelous!!!

Okay, I gotta get. I'm out!

About Me

Robyn AK
Hey, I'm Robyn! I'm a 19-year-old college student. I love to read, write, and sleep. I have several nieces and nephews whom I love with my whole heart and then some.
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